Achieving Universal Health Coverage is largely dependent on the effectiveness of the Basic Health Care Provision Fund (BHCPH) .
The 5th BHCPF Ministerial Oversight Committee (MOC) meeting took place yesterday where the performance of the Fund over time was reviewed pathways to addressing key challenges most of which centered on ineffective governance was discussed.
The CMHSW @muhammadpate also informed that the redesigned BHCPF 2.0 in collaboration with state governments and critical stakeholders in the health sector will leverage pooled funding, align programmatic operations, deploy modern accounting systems, foster transparency through an all-of-society approach, including enlisting traditional leaders / community-level entities.
Established under the National Health Act, the BHCPF is a catalyst to improve access to a Basic Minimum Package of Health Services (BMPHS) by increasing the fiscal space for health and anchored on a well-functioning national health system particularly at primary health care (PHC) level.