I. Background
The partnership between Nigeria and the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) dates back to the Georgetown Agreement of 1975, which brought together countries in Africa, Carribbean and the Pacific for establishment of a framework for trade and development
cooperation with the European Union (EU) as one of its objectives.
- The OACPS – EU Cotonou Agreement facilitated the commitment of about €1.7bn in grant aid alone to Nigeria through the 9th, 10th and 11th European Development Fund (EDF) during the period from 2000 – 2020. A
recent survey shows that over 5000 water, sanitation, energy, education, health and other micro project interventions were executed in about 4,800
communities in Nigeria over the course of the Agreement. - The OACPS in 2018 launched the processes for negotiation of a successor Partnership Agreement ahead of expiration of the Cotonou Agreement in 2020. At its 107th Session in Lome, Togo, the OACPS Council of Ministers adopted a Negotiating Mandate and appointed the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Togo, Prof. Robert Dussey as the Chair of the OACPS Central
Negotiating Group (CNG).
Key Objectives and Priorities in the Negotiation
- In launching the process for formal negotiations in the sidelines of the 73rd United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), the essence of the new partnership was to contribute to the attainment of sustainable development
in all OACPS countries through strengthened and deepened political and economic partnership, with the OACPS as a more effective global player. The
following Thematic Areas constituted the Pillars for the negotiation:
i. Human rights, democracy and governance in People-Centred and Rights-Based Societies;
ii. Peace and security;
iii. Human and social development;
iv. Environmental sustainability and climate change;
v. Inclusive sustainable economic growth and development; and
vi. Migration and mobility.
II. Technical Negotiation of the New Partnership
- The finalised texts for a new Partnership Agreement between the OACPS and the EU which was initialed on 15th April, 2021, comprises a common
Foundational Compact and three Regional Protocols, namely: Africa –EU; Caribbean-EU and Pacific-EU Regional Protocols with each regional Protocol addressing the peculiar issues of the regions. The negotiations and outcomes of the Agreement were largely based on universally accepted international laws, conventions and treaties applicable to the Parties.
III. Consultations and Nigeria’s Inputs to the Negotiation Process - The Federal Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning (FMBEP) in close collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and Federal Ministry of Justice (FMOJ) duly followed-up on the negotiation of the Samoa
Agreement since September 2018 and confirms that the outcome is in line with the:
➢ Global conventions, which Nigeria subscribes to and relevant for advancement of multilateralism; and
➢ Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and measures for deepening the development cooperation with the EU and OACPS. - In addition to the National Development Blueprints, the views of stakeholders for National positions on issues in the Negotiation process through the following notable engagements:
i. Inter-Ministerial Meeting on the Nigeria – ACP/EU Partnership on Wednesday, 28th March, 2018;
ii. Sensitization Workshop on Negotiation of the OACPS – EU Post-Cotonou Agreement on 17th – 19th September, 2018;
iii. Inter-Ministerial Meeting on the Draft Evolving Text of the Post – Cotonou Agreement on 30th November – 1st December, 2020; and iv. Seminar on the New Framework and Instruments of the European Union Development Cooperation held at the Reiz Continental Hotel Abuja on Friday, 8th March, 2024 [Participants included, CSOs, NGOs, and religious bodies].
IV. Signing of the Post – Cotonou (Samoa) Partnership Agreement - At the event for signing of the new Partnership Agreement in Apia, Samoa on 15, November, 2023 by 47 out of 79 OACPS countries endorsed the Agreement. Ahead of the 30th June 2024 deadline for the Parties, Nigeria signed the Agreement on Friday, 28th June, 2024 at the OACPS Secretariat in Brussels, Belgium, after the last consultative meeting with Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), religious bodies and other interest groups was
convened. All the OACPS. Nigeria’s endorsement was accompanied with a Statement of Declaration, clarifying the understanding and context of the Agreement. - The Samoa Agreement is a vital legal framework for cooperation between the OACPS and the European Union, with the aim of promoting sustainable development, fighting climate change and its effects, generating
investment opportunities and fostering collaboration among OACPS member States at the international stage. The EU and all its 27 Member states signed the Samoa Agreement on 15th November 2023. Out of the 79 members of the OACPS, 74 signed before the deadline of 30th June, 2024. The OACPS members that are yet to sign are Equatorial Guinea (Africa) Cuba and Trinidad and
Tobago (Caribbean) and Nauru and Tuvalu (Pacific).
Recommendations Next Steps - In preparation for operationalisation of the Samoa Agreement, the next steps of action include:
i. Ratification of the Agreement after due consideration/approval by the Federal Executive Council (FEC), National Executive Council (NEC), and National Assembly;
ii. Launch of the Regional Compacts (Africa – EU; Caribbean – EU; and Pacific – EU);
iii. Effective participation at the forthcoming OACPS – EU Joint Council of Ministers meetings and other governance systems of Partnership; and
iv. Institution of structures for follow-up in the implementation of the Agreement in collaboration with Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and other interest groups.
- The Samoa Agreement is a veritable instrument for Nigeria’s development cooperation with the EU beyond aid. The OACPS – EU Partnership is one of the most diverse and multifaceted development pact in the international system. It is therefore pertinent for the Public to consult the relevant Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) for clarity on the far reaching issues relating to multi-sectoral provisions of the Agreement