Demands of End Bad Governance In Nigeria Protesters


  1. Reverse Fuel price to May 29. 2023 price of N190.
  2. Reverse Electricity tariff to May 29 2023 rate of N60.
  3. All elected and appointed officials should be on same minimum wage as civil servants.
  4. Criminalize the use of brutal force on citizens by security agents.
  5. Stop the direct and indirect funding of first lady’s office.
  6. Create a website where all government agencies and parastatals must publish their weekly income and spendings accounts, failure to publish for 2 weeks automatically declares the office of whoever is in charge (head) of account and the DG, Minister, Commissioner or Chairman vacant.
  7. Prohibit government from funding religious Pilgrims.
  8. Prohibit Nigerian states and FGN from further borrowing outside Nigeria.
  9. Prohibit public servants from flying out of Nigeria using government funds for medical, training, vacation or any social/personal business.
  10. All civil servants, elected and appointed public servants must educate their kids in Nigeria (no exceptions, if you want your kids educated outside Nigeria resign).
  11. Repeal the Inspector General of Police retirement/tenure extension.
  12. All security personnel attached to individuals and their property be withdrawn with immediate effect and sent to hot zones.
  13. Increase all security personnel, health workers and teachers salaries by at least 35%.
  14. Sale the Presidential Yacht immediately.
  15. Scrap the senate immediately.
  16. Stop constituency project for all lawmakers.

17A. INEC, the EFCC and ICPC act be re-enacted to give them the mandate to appoint their board and heads just as the judiciary do.

17B. INEC, the EFCC and ICPC be remove under the presidency, with the National Assembly still retaining it oversight powers.

18A. Amend the electoral act to include compulsory use of BVAS.

18B. Compulsory electronic transmission of polling unit results from the unit geo location.

18C. Compulsory compilation of result on iREV if any disparity, results on iREV shall be declared.

  1. Amend the Constitution to compel All electoral tribunal cases be settled before day of swearing in.
  2. Prohibit elected officials family members from using public assets like Jets, Official Car, motorcade etc. without the presence of the elected official.
  3. Prohibit all government officials from flying first class whether they are the ones paying or not.
  4. No elected or appointed public servants should have more than 5 (SSA, Personal Assistant and Personal Advisers put together).
  5. Prohibit spouses and children of Judges from contesting election (one must give up their ambition for the other).
  6. Discontinue payment of all allowances to elected and appointed officials (enroll them for NHIS).
  7. Employ and post civil servants aides such as drivers, cooks, gardeners etc to government officials.

The people are the power, meet our demands or face severe civil disobedience the protesters have said.

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