As we commemorate the 70th birthday of Dr Tunde Bakare, we pause to honour a man who stands as a colossus among apostolic teachers—a teaching priest of unmatched theological depth. For those who were nurtured under his ministry at Latter Rain Assembly, titles such as ‘Prophetic Cave Dwellers’, ‘The Tender Mercies of the Wicked are Crue’l, ‘Apostolic Equalisation’, ‘Two Hotbeds of the Gospel’, ‘ within our history lies our hope’and his myriad teachings on Nigeria, remain etched in memory.
These profound teachings, deeply rooted in prophetic insight and doctrinal precision, continue to reverberate across generations, offering a testament to Bakare’s unparalleled legacy. Titles like The Lord is Our Judge, The Lord is Our Lawgiver, and The Lord is Our King serve as doctrinal pillars, reinforcing his unique ability to anchor prophetic revelation in solid scriptural foundations.
In the spirit of the prophet Jeremiah, who proclaimed, “But if I say, ‘I will not mention his word or speak anymore in his name,’ his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot” (Jeremiah 20:9, NIV), Dr Bakare exemplifies one who cannot be silenced when it comes to the proclamation of truth.
The intensity of his calling and his love for the nation of Nigeria are inextricably linked, as though the prophetic fire within him could only find expression in the intertwining of divine will and national purpose.
No figure of his generation carried the burden of Nigeria as deeply as Dr Bakare. To hear him preach was to hear the heartbeat of a nation; his prophetic insight never detached from the urgent realities of Nigeria’s destiny. His messages were both a balm and a call to arms, intricately weaving together spiritual truth and national responsibility.
As Paul said of himself, “For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified” (1 Corinthians 2:2, NIV), Dr Bakare resolved to know nothing apart from the Word and the destiny of his nation. Every message was a clarion call, a cry for spiritual alignment and national transformation.
It was this unique apostolic grace that made Dr Bakare the delight and preferred teacher for most universities in Nigeria in the late 90s and early 2000s, as he crisscrossed tertiary institutions all over the nation holding youth reformation conferences. At the time, every campus eagerly awaited his visit, as students across the country clamoured for his teachings. He himself was a product of the Lagos Varsity Christian Union (LVCU), and his deep roots in campus ministry made him an immediate connection for young minds seeking direction. His ability to speak with both prophetic authority and academic rigour made him a force of reformation within the walls of Nigeria’s universities.
Many preachers, when they found themselves at ministry crossroads, were emboldened and liberated by his teachings, finding clarity and purpose in the midst of confusion. His words provided not just guidance, but liberation, offering a way forward for ministers trapped between tradition and innovation. Remarkably, his influence transcended denominational lines, with non-Christians, elders, and clergy—especially Anglican priests—all testifying to the transformative power of his messages.
It was not uncommon to hear one unified testimony: “He is the only Pentecostal preacher I listen to.” This rare acknowledgment positioned Dr Bakare as a man who transcended boundaries on the strength of his teaching. His ability to unite diverse audiences under the banner of biblical truth is a testament to the unique grace upon his life and ministry.
In the realm of biblical exegesis, Dr Bakare soars above his peers. He dances to a divine rhythm, untuned to worldly concerns, his gaze fixed solely on the horizon of God’s purposes. While some may critique him for his boldness, on the integrity of the Word, he is beyond reproach.