IIt’s a low-down dirty shame if ever there was one. But let us bring this royal brainwashing of foreign education home to us, the people.
If 5,000 Nigerian families spend $50,000 per year on two children (I.e., $25,000 x 2 children per year), the forex outflow amounts to $250 million ($250,000,000) per year.
$250m × 5 years= $1.25 billion
$250m × 10years= $2.5billion
$250m × 20years = $5billion
Either way you look at it, the amount of money we spend on “educating” our children overseas is more than enough to build one Harvard University, one Yale University, one Princeton, one Columbia University, one Oxford, and one Cambridge, with enough change left over to overhaul, refurbish, revamp, and expand our crumbling Federal Universities, especially the Universities of Ibadan, UNN, Lagos, Ife (OAU), and ABU, Zaria.
We foolishly choose *NOT* to see that the money we spend *(today)* sustaining foreign universities (school fees = revenue, a portion of which is profit) is the same money that we can use to build our universities into the INSTITUTIONS that they ought to be.
We have a collective mental and spiritual problem. Much of our problem stems from amnesia, a collective forgetfulness about when we came. Until that ancestral amnesia is solved, our spiritual groping will continue.
And I am not sure that this problem is one created by politicians ALONE. And even if they made these problems, the issues still must be solved by the people…” –