Money answers everything

‘Ecclesiastes 10:18 –20 Through laziness the rafters of state affairs decay and the roof sags, and through idleness the roof of the house leaks.’
19 – The officials make a feast for enjoyment instead of repairing what is broken, and serve wine to make life merry, and money is the answer to everything.’
20 – Moreover, do not curse the king, even in your bedroom, and in your sleeping rooms do not curse the rich, for a bird of the air will carry the sound and a winged creature will make the matter known.’
These verses contain a series of three proverbs on what makes a safe pleasant life . First we must do the work needed to ensure that we have the basic comforts that all people desire. Second we must have some money and pleasure in order to enjoy good life . In isolation from the rest of the book , this seems to recommend pure hedonism ( the pursuit of pleasure; sensual self-indulgence.) and greed, but this misreads the verse. There are things such as good meal, that almost all people enjoy. Money helps us to deal with all kinds of problems ( Money does not literally solve everything, but in fact many of our ordinary problems are financial in nature). Third, we should be careful in dealing with authorities in order to stay out of trouble.

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