Magistrate Court Fines University girl 150k For Failing To Visit Boyfriend After Receiving 3k Transport Fare

Rhoda, by name, switched off her phone and failed to show up after Mr. Olapitan sent her transport fare to visit him.

Unable to contact Ms. Adu after sending her transport fare, Mr Olapitan felt defrauded and emotionally distressed and reported the incident to the Ayeso Police Station.

Ms. Rhoda was thereafter arrested and brought to the court where evidence of the incident was submitted, which included the N3,000 transfer and WhatsApp messages between Mr Olapitan and Ms. Adu.

The magistrate hears the case, sees the WhatsApp messages and money transfer receipts and shakes his head

Perhaps he’s been through it

He finds Rhoda guilty

And orders her to refund the N3000 transport money

Pay 100,000 to Olapitan for breach of agreement

Pay 50,000 to Olapitan for emotional distress.

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